Masters of Visual Music. Abstract Explorations of Past and Present Artists
Abbado Adriano
Testo Inglese.
Milano, 2099; br., pp. 400, ill. col., cm 17x21.
ISBN: 88-572-2223-3 - EAN13: 9788857222233
Soggetto: Pittura
Periodo: 1960- Contemporaneo
Testo in:
Peso: 0.37 kg
What links exist between sounds and abstract images?
What were the first audiovisual instruments?
What was the influence of music on Kandinsky's work?
What are the most relevant audiovisual installations?
What are the relationships between VJs and live cinema?
And, what is synesthesia?
Masters of Visual Music answers these and many other questions concerning the relationship between art and music, spanning from Toulouse-Lautrec to Nam June Paik, from Händel to Xenakis, and from Wilfred to Kurokawa. It is an in-depth study focused on both historical experience and contemporary research, illustrated by 150 colour images.
The association between images and music aroused the curiosity of a number of artists and thinkers of the past, it stimulated artistic creativity in the twentieth century and continues to be a topic of great interest today. This book aims to take stock of the situation, now that abstract audiovisual art, having reached maturity, is enjoying a new season of renewed vitality.
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