Bernhard Rüdiger. Forty-Nine Exhibitions
Bernhard Rüdiger
Mousse Publishing
Testo Inglese e Francese.
Milano, 2022; ril., pp. 560, ill. col., cm 23,5x16.
ISBN: 88-6749-488-0 - EAN13: 9788867494880
Soggetto: Saggi (Arte o Architettura)
Periodo: 1960- Contemporaneo
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Peso: 0 kg
Texts and interviews with the artist accompany this complete catalog at different periods, published in their original language and translated into French and English.
The introductory essay to Forty-Nine Exhibitions was written by François Aubart in the preparatory stages of Rüdiger's monographic exhibition, Chambre double, at Les Tanneries - Centre d'art contemporain in Amilly in 2021. It throws light on the way Rüdiger was influenced by the discovery-in Milan during the 1980s- of Luciano Fabro's teaching and Lucio Fontana's spatial work, and on his investment in a collective with intense collaborations, and analyzes the way those attitudes infused the multiple forms of his work.
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