Village. One land two systems and platform paradise
Bortolotti Maurizio. Shoshan Malkit
Testo Inglese.
Bologna, 2014; br., pp. 256, cm 17x23.
(Arte Contemporanea).
collana: Arte Contemporanea
ISBN: 88-6208-254-1 - EAN13: 9788862082549
Soggetto: Architetti e Studi,Saggi (Arte o Architettura)
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Peso: 0.5 kg
In summer of 2008, a group of over 20 artists and architects gathered from over the world and submerged themselves in the village's daily life. They slept on the free beds the villagers could offer for a period between a week and three weeks. In this time the artists, the architects and the villagers produced wonderful projects, shared amazing conversations, and arguments. They reflected on the profession, on the context, and on life. This extreme condition forced them to stretch the boundaries of their professions and forced them to be creative in so many ways: architects practiced activism, villagers made art works, artists made architecture and the other way around, and so much more.
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