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Giovanni Boldini. Il Piacere

Rovereto, Mart, 14 novembre 2020 - 28 febbraio 2021.
A cura di Beatrice Avanzi e Tiziano Panconi.
Genova, 2020; br., pp. 368, ill. col., tavv. col., cm 24x28.

prezzo di copertina: € 54.00

Giovanni Boldini. Il Piacere

Costo totale: € 54.00 € 171.47 aggiungi al carrello carrello

Libri compresi nell'offerta:

Giovanni Boldini. Il Piacere

Rovereto, Mart, 14 novembre 2020 - 28 febbraio 2021.
A cura di Beatrice Avanzi e Tiziano Panconi.
Genova, 2020; br., pp. 368, ill. col., tavv. col., cm 24x28.

OMAGGIO (prezzo di copertina: € 54.00)

Giovanni Boldini. Il Piacere

Ottocento. Catalogo dell'Arte Italiana dell'Ottocento. Vol. 30

Milano, 2001; br., pp. 495, ill. b/n, tavv. col., cm 22x30,5.

OMAGGIO (prezzo di copertina: € 40.00)

Ottocento. Catalogo dell'Arte Italiana dell'Ottocento. Vol. 30

Ottocento. Catalogo dell'arte italiana dell'Ottocento. VOL. 28

Milano, 1999; ril., pp. 800, tavv. col., cm 22x30.

OMAGGIO (prezzo di copertina: € 77.47)

Ottocento. Catalogo dell'arte italiana dell'Ottocento. VOL. 28


Geminiani Studies

Ut Orpheus Edizioni

A cura di Hogwood C.
Bologna, 2013; br., pp. 524, cm 17x24.
(Ad Parnassum Studies. 6).

collana: Ad Parnassum Studies

ISBN: 88-8109-479-7 - EAN13: 9788881094790

Soggetto: Musica

Testo in: testo in  italiano  

Peso: 1.71 kg

Sixteen essays by international scholars celebrate the 250th anniversary of Francesco Geminiani (1687-1762), star pupil of Corelli and composer, performer and teacher in Paris, London and Dublin, who for many years was ranked as the equal of Handel. His compositions moved far beyond Corelli's model (to include theatre music, sonatas for cello and keyboard works) and later in his life he supported his aesthetic style with treatises on violin and guitar playing, good taste, accompaniment and composition. He published all his output in the most elegant style via engravers and music sellers in Paris, Amsterdam and London, and constantly revised and rewrote earlier works in new and often expanded formats. This legacy is analysed and placed in context within the various national styles current in Europe, and the enormous influence of his treatise The Art of Playing on the Violin is positioned in a continuum which extends to Ivan Galamian. Outside music these studies examine the effect of Freemasonry on Geminiani's career, and his frequent recourse to law to defend his rights. On his own admission, Geminiani preferred dealing in fine art to playing the violin - a claim always derided by earlier writers, but in fact easily defended by newly available evidence of his highly successful sales. The reception of Geminiani's music is also re-assessed and his apparent decline in public favour is explained; many new sources contradict the accepted and dismissive opinions of Charles Burney and John Hawkins, and the supportive enthusiasm of his main British advocate, Charles Avison, is given its rightful position. Questions of present-day performance values are also contrasted with Geminiani's philosophy, and many leads presented for the future investigation of this enigmatic but individual genius.


€ 113.05
€ 119.00 -5%

spedito in 24h

design e realizzazione: Vincent Wolterbeek / analisi e programmazione: Rocco Barisci