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Telemaco Signorini. Catalogo generale ragionato delle opere

Pistoia, 2019; ril., pp. 810, 1500 ill. b/n e col., cm 21,5x29,5.

prezzo di copertina: € 240.00

Telemaco Signorini. Catalogo generale ragionato delle opere

Costo totale: € 240.00 € 740.00 aggiungi al carrello carrello

Libri compresi nell'offerta:

Telemaco Signorini. Catalogo generale ragionato delle opere

Pistoia, 2019; ril., pp. 810, 1500 ill. b/n e col., cm 21,5x29,5.

OMAGGIO (prezzo di copertina: € 240.00)

Telemaco Signorini. Catalogo generale ragionato delle opere

Il Pittore Luigi Nono (1850-1918). Catalogo Ragionato dei Dipinti e dei Disegni. La Vita, i Documenti, le Opere

Torino, 2006; 2 voll., ril. in cofanetto, pp. 576, 862 ill. b/n, 117 tavv. col., cm 25x34.

OMAGGIO (prezzo di copertina: € 250.00)

Il Pittore Luigi Nono (1850-1918). Catalogo Ragionato dei Dipinti e dei Disegni. La Vita, i Documenti, le Opere

Cavaglieri. Catalogo Ragionato dei Dipinti: la Vita e le Opere. Catalogo delle Opere

Torino, 2006; 2 voll., ril. in cofanetto, pp. 608, ill. b/n, 125 ill. col., 125 tavv. col., cm 25x35.
(Archivi dell'Ottocento).

OMAGGIO (prezzo di copertina: € 250.00)

Cavaglieri. Catalogo Ragionato dei Dipinti: la Vita e le Opere. Catalogo delle Opere


The outsider


Testi di Madeleine Thien.
Bologna, 2017; ril., pp. 96, 43 ill. b/n, cm 31x31.

ISBN: 88-6208-544-3 - EAN13: 9788862085441

Soggetto: Collezioni,Fotografia

Periodo: 1960- Contemporaneo

Testo in: testo in  italiano  

Peso: 1.27 kg

Known for her unconventional approach to portrait photography, most notably her classic trilogy 'The Sleepers', 'The Travelers', and 'The Narcissists', Elizabeth Heyert again assumes her role as observer and voyeur in her latest book, 'The Outsider', photographed during four trips to China.

Fascinated by the rituals of Chinese amateur photographers, who seem to shoot incessantly, often with family members looking on and directing, and with an intimacy with their environment that borders on stagecraft, Heyert embarked on a project to photograph the Chinese taking photographs of each other. Unable to speak their language, she worked, in her words "like an unseen ghost wandering around with a vintage Leica and Tri-X in a country where film is no longer even sold." Few Chinese possess family photographs from the past, because so much was destroyed during the Cultural Revolution, which may explain the intensity of the photography she witnessed.

She calls the project 'The Outsider' because, as a Westerner in the East, and a stranger in a foreign culture searching for authenticity, she allowed herself to be a spectator to the photographer/ subject relationship. These are portraits of the Chinese, by the Chinese, scrupulously observed by Heyert, a dedicated witness to the birth of a new collective visual memory.


€ 28.00

spedito in 2/3 sett.

design e realizzazione: Vincent Wolterbeek / analisi e programmazione: Rocco Barisci