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Telemaco Signorini. Catalogo generale ragionato delle opere

Pistoia, 2019; ril., pp. 810, 1500 ill. b/n e col., cm 21,5x29,5.

prezzo di copertina: € 240.00

Telemaco Signorini. Catalogo generale ragionato delle opere

Costo totale: € 240.00 € 740.00 aggiungi al carrello carrello

Libri compresi nell'offerta:

Telemaco Signorini. Catalogo generale ragionato delle opere

Pistoia, 2019; ril., pp. 810, 1500 ill. b/n e col., cm 21,5x29,5.

OMAGGIO (prezzo di copertina: € 240.00)

Telemaco Signorini. Catalogo generale ragionato delle opere

Il Pittore Luigi Nono (1850-1918). Catalogo Ragionato dei Dipinti e dei Disegni. La Vita, i Documenti, le Opere

Torino, 2006; 2 voll., ril. in cofanetto, pp. 576, 862 ill. b/n, 117 tavv. col., cm 25x34.

OMAGGIO (prezzo di copertina: € 250.00)

Il Pittore Luigi Nono (1850-1918). Catalogo Ragionato dei Dipinti e dei Disegni. La Vita, i Documenti, le Opere

Cavaglieri. Catalogo Ragionato dei Dipinti: la Vita e le Opere. Catalogo delle Opere

Torino, 2006; 2 voll., ril. in cofanetto, pp. 608, ill. b/n, 125 ill. col., 125 tavv. col., cm 25x35.
(Archivi dell'Ottocento).

OMAGGIO (prezzo di copertina: € 250.00)

Cavaglieri. Catalogo Ragionato dei Dipinti: la Vita e le Opere. Catalogo delle Opere


Gen-AI and I5.0. Reflections on Emerging Industrial Technologies

EBS Print

Testo Inglese.
Lesmo, 2024; br., pp. 146, cm 21x29.

EAN13: 9791255857389

Testo in: testo in  inglese  

Peso: 0 kg

This book delves into the transformative impact of generative AI in the context of modern industrial settings, focusing specifically on the subtle distinction between original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and process industries. Each industry faces unique challenges and oportunities in the era of Industry 4.0 and 5.0, further complicated by the rapid development and integration of emerging technologies. The narrative begins with a fundamental exploration of the business models and strategic nuances that define OEMs and process industries. It provides an in-depht examination of how these industries can leverage generative AI and other advanced technologies to optimize production, enhance innovation, and ultimately redefine market dynamics. The book explores the concept of "Human in the Loop" and formalizes the concept of "Human at the Edge", emphasizing the indispensable role of human oversight in AI-based systems. This discussion is framed in the broader transition from human-machine interface (HMI) to human-computer interaction (HCI), highlighting the shift toward more interactive and reciprocal frameworks in industrial applications. Significant attention is paid to the proactive capabilities of machines. It explores the evolution from reactive systems to intelligent entities that can anticipate needs and make decisions autonomously.
This technological leap is contextualized in the principles of "Edge Computing" and "Small Language Models", which are key to local data processing, thereby improving operational efficiency and maintaining data privacy. In a critical discourse on creating a data-driven ecosystem, the book discusses how industries can integrate comprehensive data analytics into their operational strategies to promote informed decision-making and robust economic models. Finally, the book advocates a balanced approach to embracing technological hype. It encourages skepticism and thoughtful engagement with new tools and methodologies, ensuring that these innovations serve to enhance human work rather than replace it, emphasizing sustainability, ethical considerations, and the overall goal of human-centered design. Ultimately, readers are equipped not only with knowledge of current technologies but also with a critical perspective on their application, ready to make informed decisions that will shape the future of industries in an era increasingly dominated by artificial intelligence.


€ 26.60
€ 28.00 -5%

spedito in 2/3 sett.

design e realizzazione: Vincent Wolterbeek / analisi e programmazione: Rocco Barisci