Sabine Hess. You felt the roots grow
Hess Sabine
Witty Kiwi Books
Testo Inglese.
Torino, 2023; ril. in tela, ill. b/n, tavv. b/n, cm 22,5x28.
EAN13: 9791280177254
Soggetto: Fotografia
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Peso: 0 kg
After seven years of illness, my father's battle with his cancer was coming to an end. I was torn between conflicting emotions, as my sister became a mother around the same time my fathers health declined. Watching a new life grow whilst another was weakening redefined my understanding of time - it became clear just how fragile life really is.
At times, when home felt too close, nature gave my mind a safe place to rest. All the while, the forests slow growth and decay resembled the illness that was consuming life as I knew it.
You Felt the Roots Grow was born in a time between hope and grief. It is my personal experience as a daughter, in which I face the bittersweetness of transience, the poetry within loss and the incompleteness of memory.
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