Nadim karam. Clouds and smoke
Karam Kaya
Testo Inglese.
Milano, 2013; cartonato, pp. 208, ill., cm 24x30.
ISBN: 88-572-1709-4 - EAN13: 9788857217093
Soggetto: Scultura e Arti Decorative - Monografie
Periodo: 1960- Contemporaneo
Testo in:
Peso: 1.32 kg
This book is a vital collection of Karam's vast array of work. Shaped by his innate tragi-comic sense of story-telling, his architectural studies in Japan and Lebanese cultural background, Karam's paintings and sculptures take us into a whimsical land of absurdity which makes even his most serious, darkest messages palatable.
Clouds and Smoke presents both the work and a view into the thoughts of this pivotal twentyfirst-century artist.
Coming as he does from a region where allegiance to symbols has long been a basis for fanaticism and conflict, Karam's rich vocabulary of forms both creates a fragmentation of ideas and generates a multiplicity of stories that are open to interpretation.
One of the rare contemporary artists comfortable on a huge urban scale, Karam's urban projects reveal his transcendent stance between the worlds of art and architecture.
Whether it be through small or large scale sculptures, paintings or sketches, Karam's works are engaging, humorous and provocative; an artistic combat against terrorism in the city and the stultifying routines of urban life.
Baia grande. La pialassa Baiona ultima frontiera per una valle salmastra
Manuale del saldo e stralcio. NPL e acquisto crediti incagliati immobiliari
Konrad. Per quanto un'oca allunghi il collo non diventerà mai un cigno
L'autismo nei primi anni di vita. Ricerca, valutazione e trattamento
Le note del colore. Nuovi dipinti antichi. [Ed. Italiana e Inglese]
Un battito d'ali. Ritrovamenti e conferme. [Ed. Italiana e Inglese]