Urban Block Cities. 10 Design Principles for Contemporary Planning
Karsten Palsson
DOM Publishers
Testo Inglese.
Berlin, 2023; br., pp. 216, 390 ill. col., cm 22,5x28.
ISBN: 3-86922-838-5 - EAN13: 9783869228389
Soggetto: Architettura e Arte Civile,Design,Urbanistica e Viabilità
Periodo: 1960- Contemporaneo
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Peso: 1 kg
This book points to urban blocks as the structure best suited to promoting sustainable building developments and cities. Its first part presents some urban qualities that have evolved from the urban block as a fundamental, flexible element. These examples have been selected from European block cities as well as from old and new urban districts in Copenhagen.
The second part of the book outlines the elements of the urban block city and its potential, proposing 10 principles that underpin an action-oriented platform for transforming older urban districts or planning new ones.
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