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Continuity Theory

Springer Distribution Center GmbH (SDC)

Testo Italiano e Inglese.
Heidelberg, 2016; cartonato, pp. 460, cm 15,5x23,5.

ISBN: 3-319-31158-1 - EAN13: 9783319311586

Testo in: testi in  inglese, italiano  testi in  inglese, italiano  

Peso: 0.94 kg

This book presents a detailed, self-contained theory of continuous mappings. It is mainly addressed to students who have already studied these mappings in the setting of metric spaces, as well as multidimensional differential calculus. The needed background facts about sets, metric spaces and linear algebra are developed in detail, so as to provide a seamless transition between students' previous studies and new material.

In view of its many novel features, this book will be of interest also to mature readers who have studied continuous mappings from the subject's classical texts and wish to become acquainted with a new approach. The theory of continuous mappings serves as infrastructure for more specialized mathematical theories like differential equations, integral equations, operator theory, dynamical systems, global analysis, topological groups, topological rings and many more. In light of the centrality of the topic, a book of this kind fits a variety of applications, especially those that contribute to a better understanding of functional analysis, towards establishing an efficient setting for its pursuit.


€ 66.40
€ 83.00 -20%

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design e realizzazione: Vincent Wolterbeek / analisi e programmazione: Rocco Barisci