Design international
Luca Masia
Electa Mondadori
Milano, 2018; br., pp. 192, ill. col., cm 24x29.
ISBN: 88-918-1267-6 - EAN13: 9788891812674
Soggetto: Arte del Legno (Cornice, Intaglio, Mobili..),Design
Periodo: 1960- Contemporaneo
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Peso: 0.57 kg
This informative book illustrates the story of a number of large retail spaces, places that are no longer just shopping centers but complex and multiform spaces, where you can find commercial activities, entertainment, and services, and whose design is strongly linked to the city in which they are built and to the local culture of which they are an expression. Through the words of Davide Padoa-CEO of Design International Architecture Studio-the volume introduces the reader to the most interesting aspects of each project.
Iconic symbols, these new malls are meant as the highest expression of contemporary wellness and pleasure, aiming to become a major attraction that can offer guests unique and unexpected experiences. From Cairo in Egypt, to Mexico in North America, these are new international trade scenarios that can seduce even the most conservative of consumers.
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