Villas and Gardens of the Renaissance
Lucia Impelluso
Electa Mondadori
Fotografie di Dario Fusaro.
Testo Inglese.
Milano, 2099; cartonato, pp. 176, cm 24x30,5.
ISBN: 88-918-2132-2 - EAN13: 9788891821324
Soggetto: Architettura e Arte Civile,Parchi, Giardini e Ambiente
Periodo: 1960- Contemporaneo
Testo in:
Peso: 0.57 kg
An historical text introduces each property, giving an overview of its origins. The villas have been specially photographed for this book by Dario Fusaro, with views of both the palace interiors and their grounds, as well as the gardens, glimpses of the halls, details of the furnishings, and a focus on the frescoes, where still preserved. Explanatory text offers insights on the most interesting frescoes, such as those of Veronese at Villa Barbaro. For the first time, Fusaro also employs a drone with the purpose of capturing the architectural structure and elements of each Italian Renaissance garden, from above and as a whole
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