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Usellini. Catalogo generale

A cura di Sansone L. e Usellini F.
Torino, 2022; br., pp. 736, ill., cm 26,5x31.

prezzo di copertina: € 300.00

Usellini. Catalogo generale

Costo totale: € 300.00 € 800.00 aggiungi al carrello carrello

Libri compresi nell'offerta:

Usellini. Catalogo generale

A cura di Sansone L. e Usellini F.
Torino, 2022; br., pp. 736, ill., cm 26,5x31.

OMAGGIO (prezzo di copertina: € 300.00)

Usellini. Catalogo generale

Il Pittore Luigi Nono (1850-1918). Catalogo Ragionato dei Dipinti e dei Disegni. La Vita, i Documenti, le Opere

Torino, 2006; 2 voll., ril. in cofanetto, pp. 576, 862 ill. b/n, 117 tavv. col., cm 25x34.

OMAGGIO (prezzo di copertina: € 250.00)

Il Pittore Luigi Nono (1850-1918). Catalogo Ragionato dei Dipinti e dei Disegni. La Vita, i Documenti, le Opere

Cavaglieri. Catalogo Ragionato dei Dipinti: la Vita e le Opere. Catalogo delle Opere

Torino, 2006; 2 voll., ril. in cofanetto, pp. 608, ill. b/n, 125 ill. col., 125 tavv. col., cm 25x35.
(Archivi dell'Ottocento).

OMAGGIO (prezzo di copertina: € 250.00)

Cavaglieri. Catalogo Ragionato dei Dipinti: la Vita e le Opere. Catalogo delle Opere


Situation Vol. 2: Antoni Muntadas

Actar Editorial

Barcelona, 2011; br., pp. 64, ill. b/n e col., cm 14x19.

ISBN: 84-92861-90-8 - EAN13: 9788492861903

Soggetto: Design,Scultura e Arti Decorative - Monografie

Testo in: testo in  italiano  

Peso: 0.15 kg

Antoni Muntadas (*Barcelona, 1942) is one of the most important contemporary Spanish artists. His work addresses social, political and communi-cations issues, the relationship between public and private space within social framework, and investigates channels of information and the ways they are used to promulgate ideas and control and censor information. Working in different media, such as photography, video, publications, Internet and multi-media installations, Muntadas often speaks about the condition of being "in between" as a point of departure for his work. This "between" can be characterized as a place of ambiguity outside specific sites or destinations. This two-volume publication is the catalogue of the retrospective exhibition that will be held at the Museo Nacional de Arte Reina Sofia in Madrid in October 2011. The catalogue uses the same organizing principle as the Muntadas' exhibition that considers his oeuvre from the perspective of "con-stellations of space," with titles such as Micro Spaces, Power Spheres, The Construction of Fear or Translation Spaces. Each constellation is a com-prehensive thematic unit of images, artist's writings as well as new and old texts by notable contributors from the field of contemporary art and theory. The second volume will contain a conversation between the director of the Museo Nacional de Arte Reina Sofia, Manuel Borja-Villel, and Muntadas, plus documentary material from the installation at the Museum.


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design e realizzazione: Vincent Wolterbeek / analisi e programmazione: Rocco Barisci