Val d'Europe
Maurice Culot
Venezia, 2018; br., pp. 304, cm 19,5x27.
ISBN: 88-317-2801-6 - EAN13: 9788831728010
Soggetto: Architettura e Arte Civile,Saggi (Arte o Architettura),Urbanistica e Viabilità
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Peso: 0.57 kg
Val d'Europe is a new city created in 1987, located next to the first tourist destination in Europe, Disneyland Paris. The challenge of this unique architectural and urban experience was to design, ex nihilo, a city that simultaneously represents beauty, practicality, and sustainability, creating social diversity without architectural discrimination, limiting the use of vehicles, and responding to ecological imperatives.
This book presents, without concealing the difficulties, the process that was put into place in order to achieve the same urban quality as Europe's most beautiful cities.
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