Giovanni Boldini. Il Piacere
Rovereto, Mart, 14 novembre 2020 - 28 febbraio 2021.
A cura di Beatrice Avanzi e Tiziano Panconi.
Genova, 2020; br., pp. 368, ill. col., tavv. col., cm 24x28.
prezzo di copertina: € 54.00
Libri compresi nell'offerta:
Giovanni Boldini. Il Piacere
Rovereto, Mart, 14 novembre 2020 - 28 febbraio 2021.
A cura di Beatrice Avanzi e Tiziano Panconi.
Genova, 2020; br., pp. 368, ill. col., tavv. col., cm 24x28.
OMAGGIO (prezzo di copertina: € 54.00)
Ottocento. Catalogo dell'Arte Italiana dell'Ottocento. Vol. 30
Milano, 2001; br., pp. 495, ill. b/n, tavv. col., cm 22x30,5.
OMAGGIO (prezzo di copertina: € 40.00)
Ottocento. Catalogo dell'arte italiana dell'Ottocento. VOL. 28
Milano, 1999; ril., pp. 800, tavv. col., cm 22x30.
OMAGGIO (prezzo di copertina: € 77.47)
New Globalization, New Migrations. The Reverse Migration to South Florida
Pasta Giovanni
Felici Editore
Pisa, 2010; br., pp. 122, cm 17x24.
ISBN: 88-6019-401-6 - EAN13: 9788860194015
Luoghi: Extra Europa
Extra: Arte Americana
Testo in:
Peso: 0.22 kg
Blacks of all backgrounds, genders, socioeconomic and education levels have left the Northeast, Midwest and West regions of the United States in droves.
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the South scored net gains in black migrants from all three of the other aforementioned regions of the U.S. during the late 1990's, reversing a thirty five year old trend. This study examines three of the major historical migrations patterns of African Americans (in order as they occurred): The Great Migration, Black Suburbanization, and finally the Return Migration to the South.
Giovanni Pasta is a researcher of Geography at the Department of History of the University of Pisa (Italy). He is lecturer of Development Geography at the same Department. He has been visiting researcher at the City University of New York and at Florida State University. He has published extensively on regional and urban planning, ethnical issues and immigration flows in USA as well as about South Africa and Sri Lanka.
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