Construction and Design Manual. Prefabricated Housing. Vol. 1: Technologies and Methods. Vol. 2: Buildings and Typologies.
Philipp Meuser - Jutta Albus
DOM Publishers
Testo Inglese.
Berlin, 2018; 2 voll., ril. in cofanetto, pp. 600, 950 ill. col., cm 22,5x28.
(Construction and Design Manual).
collana: Construction and Design Manual
ISBN: 3-86922-427-4 - EAN13: 9783869224275
Soggetto: Architettura e Arte Civile
Testo in:
Peso: 0.79 kg
This construction and design manual presents a range of different production and assembly methods currently used in the field of prefabricated housing. The manual particularly focuses on efficiency, sustainability, and market relevance, and explores strategies for organising processes while presenting best-practice examples that reflect the latest trends. Furthermore, the manual investigates the potential of prefabricated housing on historical and architectural grounds as well as from a structural engineering standpoint. It puts forward ten design parameters for prefabricated housing and presents 15 noteworthy examples to make a fresh contribution to the debate on affordable housing today.
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