Neoludica. Art and Videogames 2011-1966
Traini Luca. Ferrari Debora
Testo Inglese.
Milano, 2012; br., pp. 254, ill. col., cm 16,5x21.
ISBN: 88-572-1164-9 - EAN13: 9788857211640
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Peso: 0.73 kg
Neoludica is an in-depth exploration of the relationship between art and video games, and it underlines how the video game (an interactive multimedia work) is an art form that has yet to be understood by the world of culture. The interactive dimension is a facet that has attracted art since the advent of environmental installations during the sixties, and it is a dimension that has since been developed in digital art through video installations.
The video game/art contamination occurs not only on the aesthetic level, but also through those elements of language which can be defined as conceptual, such as interactivity mentioned above. Naturally, it acquires an artistic dimension when its aims go beyond mere technical prowess and explore the world of fantasy.
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