Aldrovandiana. Historical Studies in Natural History. Ediz. italiana e inglese (2023). Vol. 2/2
BUP - Bononia University Press
A cura di M. Beretta, Cordeddu M. e Raggetti L.
Testo Italiano e Inglese.
Bologna, 2024; br.
EAN13: 9791254773680
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Aldrovandiana. Historical Studies in Natural History is a scientific journal dedicated to the study of natural history from antiquity to the twentyfirst century. The journal's namesake is owed to the 16th century naturalist Ulisse Aldrovandi, whose study of the natural world was characterized by a unique combination of empirical curiosity and a search for comprehensiveness. Inspired by the Aldrovandi's global perspective, the founders of the journal seek to consider "natural history" in its broadest sense, and within the entirety of the Mediterranean world, including the Nearand Middle-Eastern regions. Aldrovandiana offers a space dedicated to interdisciplinarity and exchange between early-career scholars and senior researchers. Aldrovandiana is a biannual, peer-reviewed, and open access journal that publishes contributions in both Italian and English, granting ample space to illustrations and images.