Katharina Sieverding. Le metamorfosi dell'evoluzione. Metamorphosen der Evolution. Metamorphosis of Evolution
Edizioni Charta
Roma, Casa di Goethe, 27 novembre 2001 - 25 febbraio 2002.
Testo Italiano, Inglese e Tedesco.
Milano, 2002; br., pp. 160, ill. b/n, cm 23,5x30.
ISBN: 88-8158-364-X - EAN13: 9788881583645
Soggetto: Collezioni,Fotografia,Scultura e Arti Decorative - Monografie
Periodo: 1960- Contemporaneo
Luoghi: Nessun Luogo
Extra: Arte Slava,New Media
Testo in:
Peso: 1.01 kg
art, working with themes of identity, individuality, society, and the technologization of man and nature, she has chosen, in the course of repeated visits to the archives of Stiftung Weimarer Klassik, around 150 objects from Goethe's scientific legacy, beginning at the dawn of modern biology. Botanical studies, minerals, and human and animal skulls representative of the four "kingdoms of nature" are aligned, each with an artwork properly conceived. Katharina Sieverding, born in Prague in 1944, student of Joseph Beuys at the end of the seventies and pioneer in the fields of photography, film, and large format video, intends this work to put forth an appeal of respect for the fundamental principles of life and nature.
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