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Gio. Benedetto Castiglione Genovese. Il Grechetto a Roma. Committenza e opere

A cura di Orlando Anna e Francesco Rotatori.
Genova, 2023; br., pp. 304, ill. col., cm 23x29.

prezzo di copertina: € 150.00

Gio. Benedetto Castiglione Genovese. Il Grechetto a Roma. Committenza e opere

Costo totale: € 150.00 € 358.00 aggiungi al carrello carrello

Libri compresi nell'offerta:

Gio. Benedetto Castiglione Genovese. Il Grechetto a Roma. Committenza e opere

A cura di Orlando Anna e Francesco Rotatori.
Genova, 2023; br., pp. 304, ill. col., cm 23x29.

OMAGGIO (prezzo di copertina: € 150.00)

Gio. Benedetto Castiglione Genovese. Il Grechetto a Roma. Committenza e opere

Giovan Antonio Dosio Da San Gimignano Architetto e Scultor Fiorentino tra Roma, Firenze e Napoli

A cura di Emanuele Barletti.
Fotografie di BACHerin Paolo e Saverio De Meo.
Prima edizione 2011.
Firenze, 2011; ril., pp. 844, ill. b/n e col., tavv., cm 24x28,5.

OMAGGIO (prezzo di copertina: € 98.00)

Giovan Antonio Dosio Da San Gimignano Architetto e Scultor Fiorentino tra Roma, Firenze e Napoli

Vincenzo Meucci

Co-Editore: Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze.
Firenze, 2015; cartonato, pp. 304, ill. col., cm 25x29,5.

OMAGGIO (prezzo di copertina: € 50.00)

Vincenzo Meucci

Gherardo Bosio. Opera Completa 1927-1941

Firenze, 2016; br., pp. 368, ill. b/n e col., cm 23x28.
(Architetti del Novecento. Storia e archivi).

OMAGGIO (prezzo di copertina: € 60.00)

Gherardo Bosio. Opera Completa 1927-1941


Santa Maria Antiqua: The Sistine Chapel of the Early Middle Ages

Harvey Miller Publishers

Edited by E. Rubery, G. Bordi, J. Osborne.
Testo Inglese.
London, 2021; ril., pp. 502, 50 ill. b/n, 125 ill. col., 30 tavv. b/n, cm 22x28.
(Studies in Medieval and Early Renaissance Art History).

collana: Studies in Medieval and Early Renaissance Art History

ISBN: 1-909400-53-X - EAN13: 9781909400535

Soggetto: Architettura e Arte Religiosa,Pittura

Periodo: 1400-1800 (XV-XVIII) Rinascimento

Testo in: testo in  inglese  

Peso: 1 kg

Lavishly illustrated and containing the most recent images and research on this unique church, this is an essential resource for early medieval historians and archeologists working on Rome, the medieval West and Byzantium.

The Santa Maria Antiqua Complex in the Forum in Rome was probably established at the foot of the Palatine Hill in the 6th century. Over the following 600 years it was decorated with a unique series of frescoes bearing evidence of imperial, papal and monastic influences. Abandoned in the 9th century, limited use probably continued up to the 11th century. By the 17th century the complex was completely buried under the rising floor of the Forum. Excavations in 1900 exposed a largely intact complex containing hundreds of 6th - 11th century frescoes, in some places over four layers deep and a unique Chapel of Medical Saints which suggests this was also an incubation site. The English Press hailed the site as the 'Sistine Chapel of the Ninth century'.

Lavish illustrations of these frescoes, following recent restoration, make this book an indispensible resource, not only for those working on the church but also for those interested in contemporaneous material in medieval sites especially in Rome, Europe and Byzantium.

This monograph contains the proceedings of an International Conference held at the British School at Rome on 4-6 December, 2013. It reports results of the major project of preservation and research led by the Soprintendenza and carried out over the last 12 years on the fabric of the church, its frescoes, floor, wall and ceiling mosaics, its drainage and infrastructure. Much of the restoration was funded by the World Monuments Fund.
The conference also marked the 75th anniversary of the death of Gordon Rushforth, the first Director of the British School at Rome and the author of one of the earliest key papers on the S. Maria Antiqua site.


Il mobile a Roma

valida fino al 2025-06-20

€ 200.00

spedito in 2/3 sett.

design e realizzazione: Vincent Wolterbeek / analisi e programmazione: Rocco Barisci