Henri Rousseau. Archaic Naivety
Motta 24 ore Cultura
Venezia, Palazzo Ducale, 6 Marzo - 5 Luglio 2015.
Testo Inglese.
Milano, 2015; ril. in tela, pp. 282, ill. col., cm 28,5x31,5.
ISBN: 88-6648-256-0 - EAN13: 9788866482567
Soggetto: Pittura e Disegno - Monografie
Periodo: 1800-1960 (XIX-XX) Moderno
Testo in:
Peso: 2.28 kg
Contents: Reasons for an exhibition. Henri Rousseau and archaism; Is there an archaic trend in the history of art before Rousseau?; The eclectic sources of the customs officer's painting: the world of Henri Rousseau; Henri Rousseau and the collection of the art dealer Paul Guillaume; Henri Rousseau and his influence on the Parisian avant-garde circle; Henri Rousseau and Italian art; Henri Rousseau and the Blue Rider; Illustrated chronology of the life and work of Henri Rousseau, edited by Yann Le Pichon and Anthology of Henri Rousseau's writings, edited by Annabelle Mathias.
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