David Maljkovic. New reproductions
Mousse Publishing
Milano, 2013; ril., pp. 96, ill., cm 23x35.
ISBN: 88-6749-063-X - EAN13: 9788867490639
Soggetto: Collezioni,Fotografia,Saggi (Arte o Architettura),Scultura,Scultura e Arti Decorative - Monografie
Periodo: 1960- Contemporaneo
Testo in:
Peso: 1.29 kg
The artist book New Reproductions, published in conjunction with David Maljkovi?'s exhibition at CAC Vilnius, is a dense object jn which the textual contributions function as poetic and fictional response to the artist's collaged 48 images. Here, Maljkovi? provides a certain utilitarian take on re-reading, remembering, incompleteness, and exhaustion as artistic positions in order to assemble filiations between works separated by time span and by his changing ideas.
New Reproduction is part of MIDI, an imprint of Mousse Publishing initiated by Åbäke
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