Ruin or Renewal? Places and the Transformation of Memory in the City of Rome
A cura di F. Santangelo, Garcia Morcillo M. e Richardson J. H.
Testo Inglese.
Roma, 2016; br., pp. 304, ill. b/n, cm 16,5x23.
ISBN: 88-7140-698-2 - EAN13: 9788871406985
Soggetto: Saggi (Arte o Architettura),Saggi e Studi sull'antichità,Saggi Storici
Periodo: 0-1000 (0-XI) Antico
Luoghi: Roma
Testo in:
Peso: 0.68 kg
This collection of papers seeks to explore the dynamic relationship between the spaces, places, and monuments of ancient Rome, the stories the Romans told about them, and the uses they made of them. It aims to uncover past meanings, trace changes in memories and mentalities, and shed light on the life of the buildings and monuments of the city in the longue durée.
Cristoforo Colombo e il Mistero della Campana della Santa Maria
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Acta Palaeomedica. International Journal of Palaeomedicine. Vol. 3
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