Face To Face. The Self-Portrait From Cézanne To Bonnard. Face À Face. L'Autoportrait de Cézanne à Bonnard.
Silvana Editoriale
A cura di Véronique Serrano.
Testo Inglese e Francese.
Cinisello Balsamo, 2021; br., pp. 232, 184 ill. col., cm 19x27.
ISBN: 88-366-4922-X - EAN13: 9788836649228
Soggetto: Pittura
Periodo: 1800-1960 (XIX-XX) Moderno
Testo in:
Peso: 1 kg
Le parcours met en lumière le rôle essentiel qu'a joué l'autoportrait dans la peinture moderne. A travers Bonnard, Cézanne, Chagall, Tal Coat, Maurice Denis, Henri Goetz, Matisse, Picasso, Roussel, Van Dongen, Vuillard et bien d'autres, l'exposition va au-delà de la représentation physique et exprime la dimension morale et psychologique du sujet.
Through some fifty works, this work seeks to establish a dialogue between the different ways of approaching the exercise of self-portrait: firstly between artists, but also between the works of the same painter, like Bonnard, whose dark and sometimes disturbing side of his self-portraits takes the opposite view from the usually peaceful and serene oeuvre of the French master.
Baia grande. La pialassa Baiona ultima frontiera per una valle salmastra
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Le note del colore. Nuovi dipinti antichi. [Ed. Italiana e Inglese]
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