Peter Schuyff. Works on paper 1984-2018
Testo Inglese.
Milano, 2020; br., pp. 128, 75 ill. col., cm 20x26.
ISBN: 88-572-4104-1 - EAN13: 9788857241043
Soggetto: Arti Grafiche (Disegno, Incisione, Miniatura),Pittura e Disegno - Monografie
Periodo: 1960- Contemporaneo
Testo in:
Peso: 0.5 kg
"Peter Schuyff is a fascinating little bastard and he presents a good opportunity for thinking about painting.
Painting is personal. There are no ultimate truths about it. Much of the most perceptive writing about painting, especially new painting, in the last 200 years has been produced by poets-Baudelaire, Rilke, Apollinaire, Ashbery, Ricard-rather than trained "experts" because what there is that's interesting to say about it is best accessible via the language skills and sophistication and sensitivity to subtleties of perception and consciousness cultivated by poets. I am not a poet, but I almost am, and I claim legitimacy as an art writer by the same token: nobody knows what is interesting in art except the person who can persuade you they do." - Richard Hell
Baia grande. La pialassa Baiona ultima frontiera per una valle salmastra
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Konrad. Per quanto un'oca allunghi il collo non diventerà mai un cigno
L'autismo nei primi anni di vita. Ricerca, valutazione e trattamento
Le note del colore. Nuovi dipinti antichi. [Ed. Italiana e Inglese]
Un battito d'ali. Ritrovamenti e conferme. [Ed. Italiana e Inglese]