Legends of the Open Road. The History, Technology and Future of Automobile Design
Rovereto, MART, December 2, 2006 - May 1, 2007.
Testo Inglese.
Milano, 2007; cartonato, pp. 560, ill. b/n, tavv. col., cm 25x29.
ISBN: 88-6130-066-9 - EAN13: 9788861300668
Soggetto: Arte dei Metalli (Bronzo, Ferro, Peltro..),Arti Grafiche (Disegno, Incisione, Miniatura),Design
Periodo: 1800-1960 (XIX-XX) Moderno,1960- Contemporaneo
Luoghi: Italia
Testo in:
Peso: 2.94 kg
As in many other design fields of the twentieth century, the automobile industry boasts models that have become archetypes of modernity: the Volkswagen Beatle and the Golf by Giugiaro, the Fiat 500, the great sports cars designed first by Pininfarina for Ferrari, and the Mini Minor by Issigonis. Twenty-first century prototypes also have this mix of design and technological innovation making them marvels of contemporary life.
This catalogue brilliantly illustrates the extraordinary creative life of the most prestigious European and American car manufacturers and their models which, from the end of the 1940s to the present day, created a sensation and became design icons. It offers an in-depth examination of some of the most iconic models in the history of the automobile and examines themes such as the sports car and the design process, and technological innovations. From the creative process to the making of timeless models, this
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