MoMA Highlights. 350 Opere dal Museum of Modern Art di New York. [Spanish Ed.]
Testo Francese e Spagnolo.
Milano, 2004; br., pp. 384, 82 ill. b/n, 298 ill. col., cm 14,5x24,5.
ISBN: 88-8491-958-4 - EAN13: 9788884919588
Soggetto: Collezioni,Pittura
Periodo: 1960- Contemporaneo
Luoghi: Nessun Luogo
Testo in:
Peso: 1.02 kg
Through the leadership of its trustees and staff, The Museum of Modern Art manifests this commitment by establishing, preserving, and documenting a permanent collection of the highest order that reflects the vitality, complexity, and unfolding patterns of modern and contemporary art; by presenting exhibitions and educational programs of unparalleled significance; by sustaining a library, archives, and conservation laboratory that are recognized as international centers of research; and by supporting scholarship and publications of preeminent intellectual merit.
Central to The Museum of Modern Art's mission is the encouragement of an ever deeper understanding and enjoyment of modern and contemporary art by the diverse local, national, and international audiences that it serves.
Baia grande. La pialassa Baiona ultima frontiera per una valle salmastra
Manuale del saldo e stralcio. NPL e acquisto crediti incagliati immobiliari
Konrad. Per quanto un'oca allunghi il collo non diventerà mai un cigno
L'autismo nei primi anni di vita. Ricerca, valutazione e trattamento
Le note del colore. Nuovi dipinti antichi. [Ed. Italiana e Inglese]
Un battito d'ali. Ritrovamenti e conferme. [Ed. Italiana e Inglese]