Urbaniana University Press - Religioni
Bishop priest relationship. Relations and collaboration between bishop and diocesan clery in their pastoral ministry according to canon 384
Gnieri Riccardo - Urbaniana University Press
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L'errore nel consenso matrimoniale canonico secondo il canone 1097
Sang Gug Ri - Urbaniana University Press
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The catholic missionary history of Yorubaland
Oso Florence Adetoun - Urbaniana University Press
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The holy Spirit the principal agent of mission. According to chapter III of the encyclical Redemptoris missio of pope John Paul II
Jiwike Maurice E. - Urbaniana University Press
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L'eschatologie chrétienne dans le théologie contemporaine
Taty Mbuumba Alphonse - Urbaniana University Press
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Discretion in marriage doctrine and jurisprudence. A study of canon 1095. With special reference to the indian context
Rayappen Kejus - Urbaniana University Press
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Padre Gabriele Maria Allegra ofm, missionario in Cina
Wach Marek - Urbaniana University Press
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The christian community's role in the fostering of priestly vocations, according to canon 233
Bonsuuri Camillo A. - Urbaniana University Press
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La missione oggi. Aspetti teologico-pastorali
Saraiva Martins José - Urbaniana University Press
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La problématique de l'être et de Dieu selon Etienne Gilson
Clark De La Cruz - Urbaniana University Press
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The need for mission through inculturation and dialogue in Nigeria
Oha Okike Benedict - Urbaniana University Press
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The role of the diocesan curia in the light of canon 469
Odaga Emmanuel - Urbaniana University Press
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Incomprehension and misunderstanding in the fourth gospel as a mode of revelatory language (a particular study of John 2, 13-22; 3, 1-21 and 4, 1-35)
Kamara Daniel - Urbaniana University Press
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Use of reason in marriage: doctrine and jurisprudence based on canon 1095. Vol. 1
Nayakam Hyacinth M. - Urbaniana University Press
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The biblical sources of pope John Paul II's teaching on Mary's mater nal mediation
Phan Nam Joseph M. - Urbaniana University Press
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The church as communion in the code of canon law of 1983
De Rose Andrew - Urbaniana University Press
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World and the christian attitude to it according to the sermons of John Henry Newman card
Bogdan Dolenc - Urbaniana University Press
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The consideration of the essential elements of matrimonial consent in the 1983 code (canon 1101, 2)
Ekpo Canice P. - Urbaniana University Press
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Evangelization in India. In the light of federation of asian bishop's conferences documents from 1970 to 1991
Ezhanikatt Vincent - Urbaniana University Press
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Relation between interreligious dialogue and evangelization: practical implications and consequences in the context of the indian Church
Yeddanapalli Peter - Urbaniana University Press
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Approach to the interpretation of the 1983 code according to canon 17 and the literary critical theory
Cruz D'Souza - Urbaniana University Press
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Le mariage canonique des mineurs. À la recherche d'une conciliation entre le droit canonique (cc. 1083, 1095) et le droit civil haitien (artt. 133, 136)...
Jomanas Eustache - Urbaniana University Press
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The identity and mission of the ministerial priesthood and the Sacraments of the Church. A dogmatic theological study...
Guzuma A. Thaddeus - Urbaniana University Press
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