Dover Publications
Birds and Butterflies Stained Glass Pattern Book
Sibbett - Dover Publications, 1984
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Introduction To Celestial Mechanics/2nd Revised Edition
Moulton, Forest Ray, Ph.d. - Dover Publications Inc., 1984
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Introductory Complex Analysis
Silverman, Richard A. - Dover Publications Inc., 1984
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The Statistical Analysis of Experimental Data
Mandel, John. - Dover Publications Inc., 1984
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Crocheting Teddy Bears: 16 Designs For Toys
Ruth Jacksier, - Barbara Jacksier - Dover Publications
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Theoretical Solid State Physics: Perfect Lattices in Equilibrium: 001
March, Norman H. - Dover Publications Inc., 1986
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Illustrated Jewelry Catalog 1892
New England Jeweler. - Dover Publications Inc., 1999
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The Great Dinosaur Hunters and Their Discoveries
Colbert, Edwin. - Dover Publications Inc., 1985
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A Natural History of the Ducks. Volumes I and II
Phillips John C. - Dover Publications
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Orchids of Guatemala and Belize
Ames Oakes - Correll Donovan Stewart - Dover Publications
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