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Corpus Christianorum. Clavis Patrum Graecorum. Volume IV
J. Noret - M. Geerard - Brepols Publishers, 2018
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Les Commentaires des Psaumes. Ps 118, Sermons 15-32
Brepols Publishers, 2017
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Medieval Autograph Manuscripts. Proceedings of the XVIIth Colloquium of the Comite International De Paleographie Latine
Brepols Publishers, 2013
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Enoncer/ Denoncer l'Autre. Discours Et Representations Du Differend Confessionnel a l'Epoque Moderne
Brepols Publishers, 2012
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Annali di Scienze Religiose. Dissimulatio. Tra antropologia e teologia
Gian Luca Potestà - Brepols Publishers, 2012
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Manuscrits Hebreux Et Arabes. Melanges En L'honneur De Colette Sirat
Brepols Publishers, 2014
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Les stratégies éditoriales à l'époque de l'incunable: le cas des anciens Pays-Bas
Ch. Hermand, X. Ruzzier - E. Ornato - Brepols Publishers, 2012
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The Last Judgement in Medieval Preaching
Schiewer, Hans-jochen. - Brepols Pub, 2013
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Shaping Stability. The Normation and Formation of Religious Life in the Middle Ages
Brepols Publishers, 2016
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Les Auctoritates Aristotelis, Leur Utilisation Et Leur Influence Chez les Auteurs Medievaux. Etat De la Question 40 Ans Apres la Publication.
Brepols Publishers, 2017
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Fasti Ecclesiae Gallicanae. Diocèse de Bordeaux
F. Lainé - Brepols Publishers, 2012
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Portarits De Maitres Offerts a Olga Weijers
Teeuwen, Mariken - Brepols Publishers, 2013
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Les Eglises Rupestres De La Region Des Lacs D'ohrid Et De Prespa: Milieu Du Xiiie - Milieu Du XVI Siecle: 166
Saska Bogevska-capunano - Brepols Publishers, 2015
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Corpus Christianorum Scholars Version. Raimundus Lullus. Opera Selecta. Vol. 1 & 2.
Brepols Publishers, 2018
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Les Saints Et Leur Culte En Europe Centrale Au Moyen Age. (XI-debut du XVI Siecle)
Brepols Publishers, 2017
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Discipuli Dona Ferentes. Glimpses of Byzantium in Honour of Marlia Mundell Mango
Brepols Publishers, 2017
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Hagiography in Anglo-saxon England: Adopting and Adapting Saints Lives into Old English Prose (c. 950-1150)
Brepols Publishers, 2014
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Hortus Artium Medievalium 23. 2017. Living and Dying in the Cloister. Monastic Life from the 5th to the 11th Century
Brepols Publishers, 2017
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The Sermons of William Peraldus: An Appraisal
Wenzel, Siegfried. - Brepols Pub, 2017
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Les Commentaires des Psaumes - Ps. 32-36
Augustin D'hippone - Brepols Publishers, 2015
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