Brepols Publishers
Medieval Coins and Seals. Constructing Identity, Signifying Power
S - Solway - Brepols Publishers
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Denijs van Alsloot (vers 1568? - 1625/26). Peintre paysagiste au service de la cour des archiducs Albert et Isabelle
Van Sprang Sabine - Brepols Publishers, 2015
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Les portails romans de Bourgogne. Thèmes et programmes
Marcello Anghebe - Brepols Publishers, 2021
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Harmony in Bright Colours. Memling's God the Father with Singing and Music-Making Angels Restored
Brepols Publishers, 2021
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Metropolis in the Making. A Planning History of Amsterdam in the Dutch Golden Age
Brepols Publishers, 2019
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Islamic Elements in the Architecture of Puglia
Christiane L. Joost-Gaugier - Brepols Publishers, 2019
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Jan de Beer. Gothic Renewal in Renaissance Antwerp
Ewing - Brepols Publishers, 2016
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Colorito. La technique des peintres vénitiens à la Renaissance
Hochmann M. - Brepols Publishers, 2016
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Emerging Naturalism: Contexts and Narratives in European Sculpture 1140-1220
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Venetian and Ottoman Heritage in the Aegean. The Bailo House in Chalcis, Greece
Brepols Publishers, 2019
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L'iconographie médiévale entre Antiquité et art roman. Recueil d'articles de Jacqueline Leclercq-Marx
J. Leclercq-Marx - Brepols Publishers, 2018
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Art and Experience in Trecento Italy. Studies from the Andrew Ladis Memorial Conference in New Orleans, 2016
Brepols Publishers, 2018
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Building the Sacred in a Crusader Kingdom. Gothic Church Architecture in Lusignan Cyprus, c. 1209 - c. 1373
Michalis Olympios - Brepols Publishers, 2018
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Late Gothic Architecture. Its Evolution, Extinction, and Reception
Brepols Publishers, 2018
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Copies and adaptations from Renaissance and Later Artists. Italian Artists. III. Artists working in Central Italy and France
Wood Jeremy - Brepols Publishers
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Painting as a Modern Art in Early Renaissance Italy
Robert Brennan - Brepols Publishers, 2018
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Les modèles dans l'art du Moyen Âge (XIIe-XVe siècles). Models in the Art of the Middle Ages (12th-15th Centuries)
Brepols Publishers, 2018
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Valère Maxime en français à la fin du Moyen Âge. Images et tradition
Dubois A. - Brepols Publishers, 2016
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De l'expertise artistique à la vulgarisation au siècle des Lumières. Jean-Baptiste Descamps (1715-1791) et la peinture flamande, hollandaise et allemande
Maes Gaetane - Brepols Publishers, 2016
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Joos van Cleve. A Sixteenth-Century Antwerp Artist and his Workshop
Micha Leeflang - Brepols Publishers, 2015
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Devotional Culture in Late Medieval England and Europe. Diverse Imaginations of Christ's Life
Kelly Stephen - Brepols Publishers
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The Brussels Tristan Tapestries. Myth Regenerated in Wool, Silk and Precious Metals
Schaefer Thibault - Brepols Publishers, 2016
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