Brepols Publishers - Archeologia
La tête végétalisée dans les décors romains. Origine d'un thème ornemental
Stéphanie Derwael - Brepols Publishers, 2024
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Painting Pompeii. Painters, Practices, and Organization
Francesca Bologna - Brepols Publishers, 2024
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Riforma e Tradizione. 1050-1198 Corpus Volume IV
Serena Romano - Brepols Publishers, 2003
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Hortus Artium Medievalium 23. 2017. Living and Dying in the Cloister. Monastic Life from the 5th to the 11th Century
Brepols Publishers, 2017
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Late Antique Palatine Architecture. Palaces and Palace Culture: Patterns of Transculturation
Brepols Publishers, 2019
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Archeologia e storia nella rada di Portoferraio. La villa di San Marco
Brepols Publishers, 2024
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Sculpture of Compassion. The Pietà and the Beguines in the Southern Low Countries c.1300-c.1600
Brepols Publishers, 1993
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Verstorbenendarstellungen Auf Frühchristlichen Sarkophagen
Studer-Karlen M. - Brepols Publishers, 2012
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