Brepols Publishers - Scultura
Taking shape. Sculpture of the Low Countries, c. 1400-1600
Brepols Publishers, 2025
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Willem van den Blocke. A Sculptor of the Low Countries in the Baltic Region
Brepols Publishers, 2020
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Genre androgyne. Arts, culture visuelle et trouble de la masculinité (XVIIIe-XXe siècle)
Damien Delille - Brepols Publishers, 2021
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Les portails romans de Bourgogne. Thèmes et programmes
Marcello Anghebe - Brepols Publishers, 2021
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Emerging Naturalism: Contexts and Narratives in European Sculpture 1140-1220
John McNeill - Gerardo Boto Varela - Marta Serrano Coll - Brepols Publishers, 2020
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Corpus of Medieval Misericords in France. XIII-XVI Century
Block Elaine C. - Brepols Publishers
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Romanesque sculpture in american collections. II. New York and New Jersey, Middle and South Atlantic States, the Midwest, Western and Pacific States
Brepols Publishers, 1999
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Benedetto da Maiano. A Florentine Sculptor at the Threshold of the High Renaissance
Carl Doris - Brepols Publishers, 2006
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The illuminated Psalter. Studies in the Content, Purpose and Placement of its Images
Brepols Publishers, 2005
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The altar and its environment
Kroesen Justin E.A. - Victor M. - Schmidt (eds) - Brepols Publishers, 2010
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Ex quadris lapidibus. La pierre et sa mise en oeuvre dans l'art médiéval
Gallet Y. - (éd). - Brepols Publishers
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Les installations liturgiques sculptées des églises de Géorgie (VI - XIIIe siècles)
Iamanidzé Nina - Brepols Publishers, 2010
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The Making of Hispano-Flemish Style. Art, Commerce, and Politics in Fifteenth-Century Castile
Kasl R. - Brepols Publishers, 2014
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Exhibiting the Past. Caspar Reuvens and the Museums of Antiquity in Europe, 1800-1840
Hoijtink Mirjam - Brepols Publishers, 2012
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Current directions in eleventh- and twelfth-century sculpture studies
K. Ambrose - Maxwell (eds) - Brepols Publishers, 2010
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Dei, eroi ed offerenti. La collezione di bronzetti etrusco-italici del museo archeologico nazionale di parma
Cavalieri Marco - Brepols Publishers
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Verstorbenendarstellungen Auf Frühchristlichen Sarkophagen
Studer-Karlen M. - Brepols Publishers, 2012
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Fallen Idols, Risen Saints. Sainte Foy of Conques and the Revival of Monumental Sculpture in Medieval Art
Fricke Beate - Brepols Publishers, 2018
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