Crown Publishers Inc.
Louise Nevelson. Atmospheres and Environments
Edward Albee - Crown Publishers Inc., 1983
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Scotland. The Place of Visions
Morris Jan. Wakefield Paul - Crown Publishers Inc., 1986
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Kovels' new dictionary of marks. Pottery & porcelain 1850 to the present
Crown Publishers Inc.
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Kovel's American Art Pottery. The Collector's Guide to Makers, Marks, and Factory Histories
Kovel Ralph. Kovel Terry - Crown Publishers Inc., 1993
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A Source Book of Antiques and Jewelry Designs
Hornung Clarence - Crown Publishers Inc.
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The Power of Style. The Women Who Defined the Art of Living Well
Tapert Annette. Edkins Diana - Crown Publishers Inc.
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The Anatomy of Buzz Revisited: Real-Life Lessons in Word-Of-Mouth Marketing
Rosen, Emanuel - Crown Publishers Inc.
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