Dover Publications
Masterpieces of Women'S Costume of the 18th and 19th Centuries
Bernstein, Aline. - Dover Publications Inc., 2001
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Statistical Mechanics: Volume 4 of Pauli Lectures On Physics
Weisskopf, Victor F. - Dover Publications Inc., 2000
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Theories of the World From Antiquity To the Copernican Revolution
Crowe, Michael J. - Dover Publications Inc., 2001
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Mathematics: Its Content, Methods and Meaning : Three Volumes Bound as One
Lavrent'Ev, M. A. - Dover Publications Inc., 2003
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Nineteenth-Century Costume and Fashion
Curtis, Oswald. - Dover Publications Inc., 2000
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A Collection of Problems in Mathematical Physics
B. M. - Samarskii A. A. - Tikhonov A. N. Budak - Dover Publications Inc., 2003
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Illustrations and Ornamentation from the Faerie Queene
Crane Walter - Dover Publications
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