Miniature Rooms: the Thorne Rooms At the Art Institute of Chicago
Abramson, Michael. - Art Inst of Chicago Museum Shop, 2005
testo in inglese
Kirchen in Florenz. Mit Beiträgen Von Monica Biettifrancesca Fiorelli Malesci.
Paolucci, Antonio , Monica Bietti Und Fiorelli Malesci:. - Hirmer, 2003
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Le Truffaut. Encyclopédie Pratique Illustrée Du Jardin
Collectif. - Bordas Editions, 2006
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O Fim Da Pólio (Em Portuguese Do Brasil)
Sebastião Salgado. - Companhia das Letras, 2003
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Netter: Atlas Der Anatomie des Menschen (3 Bände)
Frank H. Netter. - Saunders Elsevier, 2003
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Sagesse Paysanne : 366 Proverbes Et Dictons Au Rythme des Saisons
Baraton, Alain. - Editions De Borée, 2005
testo in inglese
Dakar : 30 Ans d'Aventure, Édition Bilingue Français-Anglais
Smith, Philippa. - Silver, 2007
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A Season of Sundays 2005: Images of the 2005 Gaelic Games Year By the Sportsfile Photographers
Sportsfile, 2005
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From Palace and Chapel: Important Old Master Paintings
Robert Simon - Robert Simon Fine Art, 2005
testo in inglese
Guidance for Conducting Control Banding Analyses
Aiha Control Banding Working Group - American Industrial Hygiene Association
testo in inglese
Dipinti murali in frammenti del monastero di Santa Susanna a Roma: recupero, restauro, esposizione
Giuseppe Basile - 2004
testo in italiano