Editori ![ricerca](https://www.libroco.it/images/lente.png)
Su¨leymanname: the Illustrated History of Su¨leyman the Magnificent
Atil, Esin. - H.N. Abrams, 1986
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Andrew-J-Russell-Oakland-Museum-Barry-Combs. - 1986
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Exclusively Yours: Fashion Knits From the World'S Top Designers
Kennett, Frances. - Grafton, 1986
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Westward To Promontory: Building the Union Pacific Across the Plains and Mountains : a Pictorial Documentary
Barry Combs. - Published by Crown Publishers with the cooperation of the Oakland Museum and Union Pacific, 1986
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Kanada. Mit Der Bahn Vom Atlantik Zum Pazifik
Johnson, Brian D. - Orell Füssli, 1986
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Winchester: An American Legend : the Official History of Winchester Firearms and Ammunition From 1849 To the Present
Brown, G. Allan. - Random House Inc, 1991
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French Salon Artists 1800-1900
Brettell, Richard R. - Art Inst of Chicago Museum Shop, 1987
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Ägypten. Kunst, Geschichte, Land Und Leute
Newby, Percy H./Maroon, Fred J. - 3. Aufl., 1986
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Handbuch Layout-Schule. Layouttechnik - Farben - Stifte - Papier
Krisztian, Gregor. - DuMont, 1986
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Chefs d'Oeuvre Du Génie Humain (Les Grandes Realisations Techniques...)
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Tribuna araldica. Periodico semestrale di legislazione nobiliare araldica-storia. Gennaio-Giugno 1988. Contiene: V.Guelfi Camajani, Decreti Reali e Presidenziali degli Stemmi ed Indice Generale (Parte I) e dei Gonfaloni dei Comuni Italiani. G.B.Consonni,
Guelfi Camajani Vittorio - Consonni G.B -
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Figures et couleurs : études sur la symbolique et la sensibilité médiévales
Michel Pastoureau - 1986
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Il filo di Arianna. Raffigurazione e simbologia della vite e dell'uva nelle arti del tessuto, merletto, ricamo
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Corsets et soutiens-gorge. L'épopée du sein de l'antiquité à nos jours
Béatrice. Fontanel - 1992
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