- Musei, collezioni
Opere poetiche. In appendice La Tiorba a Taccone De Filippo Sgruttendio De Scafato
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Kunstgewerbemuseum der stadt Koln. Glas
Klesse Brigitte - Reineking-Von Bock Gisela - 1973
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The Arthur M. Sackler Collection. Piranesi. Drawings and Etchings at the Avery Architectural Library, Columbia University, New York
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Greek Etruscan & Roman Art. The Classical Collections of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
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Architectural, Ornament, Landscape and Figure Drawings collected by Richard Wunder
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Von Bembo bis Guardi. Meisterwerke oberitalienischer Malerei aus der Pinacoteca di Brera in Mailand und aus einigen Privatsammlungen
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John Constable, R.A. 1776-1837. A Catalogue of Drawings and Watercolours, with a Selection of Mezzotints by David Lucas after Constable for English Landscape Scenery, in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge
Gadney Reg - 1976
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Catalogue of Drawings and Watercolors in the Allen Memorial Art Museum, Oberlin College
Stechow Wolfgang - 1976
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Disegni di Leonardo da Vinci e della sua scuola alla Biblioteca Reale di Torino
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All the paintings of the Rijksmuseum im Amsterdam: a completely illustrated catalogue
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Sechs Jahrhunderte Europäischer Druckgraphik. Meisterwerke aus dem Besitz der Albertina in Wien
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