- Zoologia
The History of Birds, Fish, Insects and Reptiles. Embellished With Upwards of Two Hundred Engravings
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A Hand-Book To the Carnivora. Part I. Cats, Civets, and Mungooses
Lydekker Richard - 1896
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Tha Game-Birds of India, Burma and Ceylon. Vol. I Ducks and Their Allies. Vol. II Snipe, Bustards and Sand-Grouse
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Trattato di zoologia.
Schmeil Prof. O. - Largaiolli Prof. Vittorio. - Quidde M. Casa Editrice, 1914
testo in italiano
Life Histories of North American Wild Fowl. Order Anseres (Part)
Bent Arthur Cleveland - 1923
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The Bird as a Diver: a Contribution To the Natural History of Diving Birds
Dewar John M. - 1924
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Allgemeine Zoologie Und Abstammungslehre. Zweiter Teil: Die Sinnesorgane Der Tiere
Plate Ludwig - 1924
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Life Histories of North American Gallinaceous. Orders Galliformes and Columbiformes
Bent Arthur Clevand - 1932
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Les Oiseaux Nicheurs d'Europe. Deuxieme Volume. Pics, Coraciiformes, Martinets, Egoulevents, Coucous, Rapaces Norcturnes, Rapaces Diurnes, Pigeons Et Gangas
Barruel Paul. Géroudet Paul - 1961
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Introduction To Southern African, Cage and Aviary Birds. Volume 2. Seed Eating Birds
Brickell Neville - 1989
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