Harvey Miller Publishers - Architettura Religiosa
Santa Maria Antiqua: The Sistine Chapel of the Early Middle Ages
Harvey Miller Publishers, 2021
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Architecture and Architectural Sculpture. The Jesuit Church of Antwerp
R. Fabri - P. Lombaerde - Harvey Miller Publishers, 2018
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Archaeological Campaigns below the Florence Duomo and Baptistery (1895-1980)
Toker Franklin - Harvey Miller Publishers
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The Arca di Sant'Agostino and the Hermits of St. Augustine in Fourteenth-Century Pavia
Dale Sharon - Harvey Miller Publishers
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The Façade Reliefs of Orvieto Cathedral
Moskowitz Anita Fiderer - Harvey Miller Publishers
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On Holy Ground. Liturgy, Architecture and Urbanism in the Cathedral and the Streets of Medieval Florence
Toker f. - Harvey Miller Publishers
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Early Christian and Medieval Antiquities. Volume 1. Mosaics and Wallpaintings in Roman Churches
Osborne John. Claridge Amanda - Harvey Miller Publishers
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Nicola and Giovanni Pisano Pulpits
Anita Fiderer Moskowitz - Harvey Miller Publishers
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Canterbury Cathedral and its Romanesque Sculputre
Kahn Deborah - Harvey Miller Publishers, 1991
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