Harvey Miller Publishers - Pittura
Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard. XVII. Genre Scenes
N. Buttner - Harvey Miller Publishers, 2020
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Reading Dante with Images. A Visual Lectura Dantis
Matthew Collins - Harvey Miller Publishers, 2021
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Art and Faith in the Venetian World. Venerating Christ as the Man of Sorrows
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Pontormo at San Lorenzo. The Making and Meaning of a Lost Renaissance Masterpiece
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Netherlandish Art and Luxury Goods in Renaissance Spain. Studies in honor of Professor Jan Karel Steppe (1918-2009).
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A Catalogue of Western Book Illumination in the Fitzwilliam Museum and the Cambridge Colleges. Part Three. Volume One. France c. 1000 - c. 1250
Morgan - S. Panayotova. N. J. - Harvey Miller Publishers
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Many Antwerp Hands. Collaborations in Netherlandish art 1400-1750.
Harvey Miller Publishers, 2021
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Andrea Mantegna. Humanist Aesthetics, Faith, and the Force of Images
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