Harvey Miller Publishers - Pittura

Ancient Roman Topography and Architecture I. Campbell
Campbell Ian - Harvey Miller Publishers, 2004
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The Triumphs of Caesar by Andrea Mantegna in the Collection of Her Majesty the Queen at Hampton Court
Martindale Andrew - Harvey Miller Publishers, 1979
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Ludovico Carracci and the Art of Drawing
Bohn Babette - Harvey Miller Publishers, 2004
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Early Netherlandish Painting from Rogier van der Weyden to Gerard David
Pächt Otto - Harvey Miller Publishers, 1997
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Giotto and the Arena Chapel: Art, Architecture and Experience
Harvey Miller Publishers, 2008
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The Mermaids of Venice. Fantastic Sea Creatures in Venetian Renaissance Art
Luchs Alison - Harvey Miller Publishers, 2010
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Jerusalem on the Hill. Rome and the Vision of St. Peter's in the Renaissance
Tanner Marie - Harvey Miller Publishers, 2011
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Rubens in London. Art and Diplomacy
Martin Gregory - Harvey Miller Publishers, 2011
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Jean Pucelle. Innovation and collaboration in Manuscript Painting
Harvey Miller Publishers, 2013
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Picturing Ludwig Burchard (1886-1960)
Nijkamp Lieneke - Harvey Miller Publishers, 2014
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Sigena. Romanesque Paintings in Spain and the Winchester Bible Artists
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The Self-Aware Image. An Insight into Early Modern Meta-Painting. A Revised and Updated Edition
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