Parkstone Press International
Die Russische Avantgarde der 20er Jahre
AA.VV. - Parkstone Press International, 1996
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The Reinassance Engravers. Fifteenth - and Sixteenth - Century Engravings, Etchings and Woodcuts
Parkstone Press International, 1996
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Peter Paul Rubens. The Pride of Life
Yegorova Xenia - Varshavskaya Maria - Egorova K. S. - Parkstone Press International
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The Art of Cigar Bands. Roger Van Reeth Collection
Mesmer Philippe - Parkstone Press International
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Impressionism and Post Impressionism
Brodskaya Nathalia - Parkstone Press International, 2007
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Andrea Mantegna and the Italian Renaissance
Joseph Manca - Parkstone Press International
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