Prestel Verlag
Albrecht Durer. Master Drawings. Watercolors and Prints from the Albertina
Andrew Robinson - Prestel Verlag
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Awakening the Night. Art from Romanticism to the Present
Agnes Husslein-Arco - Brigitte Borchhardt-Birbaumer - Prestel Verlag, 2012
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[Non] Conform. Russian and Soviet Art 1958-1995
Ludwig Peter. Ludwig Irene - Prestel Verlag
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Now dig this! Art and black los angeles, 1960-1980
Jones Kellie (et al) - Prestel Verlag, 2011
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Under the big black sun. California art 1974-1981
Schimmel Paul (ed) - Prestel Verlag, 2011
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Richard diebenkorn. The ocean park series
Bancroft Sarah C. - Prestel Verlag, 2011
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