Princeton University Press
Catalogue of Italian Drawings in the Art Museum, Princeton University
Princeton University Press, 1977
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Godparents and Kinship in Early Medieval Europe
Joseph H. - Lynch - Princeton University Press, 1986
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Kommos. Vol. I,2. The Kommos Region and Houses of the Minoan Town
Princeton University Press, 1996
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Kommos. Vol. III. Excavation on the south Coast of Crete.The Late Bronze Age Pottery
Watrous Livingston Vance - Princeton University Press, 1992
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The Politicized Muse: Music for Medci Festivals, 1512-1537
Anthony M. Cummings - Princeton University Press, 1992
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Eighteenth-Century French Life-Drawing. Selections from the Collection of Mathias Polakovits
James Henry Rubin - Princeton University Press, 1977
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Artemisia Gentileschi. The image of the female hero in Italian Baroque Art
Garrard Mary - Princeton University Press, 1989
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The Implications of Literacy: Written Language and Models of Interpretation in the Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries: Written Language and Models of Interpretation in the 11th and 12th Centuries
Brian Stock - Princeton University Press, 1983
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Spiritual Marriage. Sexual Abstinence in Medieval Wedlock
Elliott Dylan - Princeton University Press, 1993
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Princeton Alumni Collections
Princeton University. Art Museum. - Princeton University Press, 1981
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The Whilton Dispute, 1264-1380. A social legal study of dispute settlement in medieval england
Princeton University Press, 1984
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Drawings from the Holy Roman empire, 1540-1680: a selection from North american collections.
Kaufmann T. D. - Princeton University Press, 1982
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Italian Baroque Paintings From New York Private Collections
Spike John - Princeton University Press, 1980
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Conservation of Island Birds: Case Studies for the Management of Threatened Island Species
Moors P.j - Princeton University Press, 1985
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Selections from The Art Museum Princeton University
Princeton University Press, 1986
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