The system of scientific description of museum objects: a classification, methodology, terminology. Directory
testo in russo
Russia and the West. Historical and artistic connections. XYIII - the beginning of the twentieth century
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From the underlying drawing to the painting. Sebastiaen Vrancx (1573-1647) and his co-operation with the masters
testi in altro, tedesco
El Taller de traducción: una metodología didáctica integradora para la enseñanza universitaria de la traducción
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Miniatures medievales de la librairie de Bourgogne au cabinet des manuscrits de la Bibliotheque Royale de Belgique
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Jan Gossaert genaamd Mabuse. (Catalogo di mostra)
Pauwels, H. Hoetink, H. R. Herzog, S. -
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Jan Gossaert genaamd Mabuse. (Catalogo di mostra)
Pauwels, H. Hoetink, H.R. Herzog,S. -
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