- Arte dei Metalli
The Journal of Decorative Propaganda Arts 9. Metalwork Theme Issue. Summer 1988
testo in inglese
I Punzoni Dell'Argenteria e Oreficeria Veneziana.
Piero Pazzi - Tipografia del Monastero di San Lazzaro, 1990
testo in italiano
Masterworks in Metal. A Millennium of Treasures From the State Art Museum of Georgia, USSR
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Gods and Mortals. Bronzes of the Ancient World From Italy to Iran. April - June 1989
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Inaugural Exhibition Catalog of the Museum of East Asian Art. Volume II Chines Metalwares and Decorative Arts
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XXI Biennale di scultura. Metallo. Terra. Cemento. Gubbio 92
Vescovo Marisa. Bonomi Giorgio -
testo in italiano
Orangerie '93. Internationaler Kunsthandel im Schlob Charlottenburg. International Art and Antiques at Schlob Charlottenburg
testi in inglese, tedesco