- Musei, collezioni
Firearms of the Royal Armouries I. From Gustav II Adolf To Charles XIII
Nils Drejholt - The Royal Armoury, 1996
testo in inglese
Guida introduttiva agli strumenti musicali meccanici. Collezione Marino Marini
Tipografia Musiani, 1980
testo in italiano
Picture Gallery Berlin. Staatliche Museem Preussischer Kulturbesitz. Catalogue of Paintings 13th - 18th Century
testo in inglese
The Arts of Italy in Toronto collections, 1300-1800: Based on the holdings of the Art Gallery of Ontario, the Royal Ontario Museum and private collections in the Toronto area
Mctavish David - 1981
testo in inglese
Palais des beaux-arts de la ville de Paris. Musée du Petit Palais. Catalogue sommaire illustré des peintures. II. I-Z
Laffon Juliette - 1982
testo in francese
Tarocke mit französischen farben
Margot Dietrich - Detlef, Hoffmann - Deutsches Spielkarten Museum, 1984
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