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RESULTS OF SEARCH "series: Personal Computer e Applicazioni"

Paradox per Windows. Grande guida

Simpson Alan - Apogeo

ISBN: 88-7303-037-8
EAN: 9788873030379

 italian text   italian text

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CorelDraw 5. Con floppy disk

Nemoy Sheldon. Aiken Joy - Apogeo

ISBN: 88-7303-089-0
EAN: 9788873030898

 italian text   italian text

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Pagemaker 5. Grande guida per Macintosh e Windows. Con floppy disk

Stanley Anthony E. - Apogeo

ISBN: 88-7303-052-1
EAN: 9788873030522

 italian text   italian text

out of print - NOT orderable

Il desktop publishing per tutti quelli che

Stanley Anthony E. - Apogeo

ISBN: 88-7303-060-2
EAN: 9788873030607

 italian text   italian text

out of print - NOT orderable

Microsoft Access 2. Grande guida

Risaroli Moreno - Apogeo

ISBN: 88-7303-086-6
EAN: 9788873030867

 italian text   italian text

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Photoshop 3 per Macintosh e Windows. Con floppy disk

Margulis Dan - Apogeo

ISBN: 88-7303-101-3
EAN: 9788873031017

 italian text   italian text

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Windows 3.1. Excel 5. Access 2. Word 6 per Windows

Attivissimo Paolo - Apogeo

ISBN: 88-7303-095-5
EAN: 9788873030959

 italian text   italian text

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Windows per tutti quelli che... «Io le finestre le apro solo a primavera!»

Stanley Anthony E. - Apogeo

ISBN: 88-7303-048-3
EAN: 9788873030485

 italian text   italian text

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3D Studio 4. Con floppy disk

Ligorio Giuseppe - Apogeo

ISBN: 88-7303-135-8
EAN: 9788873031352

 italian text   italian text

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Excel 5 autoistruzione. Per Windows

De Vita Fulvio - Apogeo

ISBN: 88-7303-083-1
EAN: 9788873030836

 italian text   italian text

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Winword per tutti

Goodman Danny - Apogeo

ISBN: 88-7303-066-1
EAN: 9788873030669

 italian text   italian text

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Word 6 per Windows. Autoistruzione

Neibauer Alan R. - Apogeo

ISBN: 88-7303-078-5
EAN: 9788873030782

 italian text   italian text

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Adobe Acrobat. Per Windows e Macintosh. Con floppy disk

Stanley Anthony E. - Apogeo

ISBN: 88-7303-154-4
EAN: 9788873031543

 italian text   italian text

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Dbase 5 per Windows. Autoistruzione

Kalman David. Audrey - Apogeo

ISBN: 88-7303-107-2
EAN: 9788873031079

 italian text   italian text

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Boni Marco - Apogeo

ISBN: 88-7303-200-1
EAN: 9788873032007

 italian text   italian text

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Works per Windows '95

Cowart Robert - Apogeo

ISBN: 88-7303-163-3
EAN: 9788873031635

 italian text   italian text

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Internet per chi studia. Come fare una tesi di laurea con Internet

Pasteris Vittorio - Apogeo

ISBN: 88-7303-187-0
EAN: 9788873031871

 italian text   italian text

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Lavorare con Adobe Illustrator

Stanley Anthony E. - Apogeo

ISBN: 88-7303-194-3
EAN: 9788873031949

 italian text   italian text

out of print - NOT orderable

Microsoft Office '97. Autoistruzione

Perry Greg M. - Apogeo

ISBN: 88-7303-328-8
EAN: 9788873033288

 italian text   italian text

out of print - NOT orderable

Programmare con JavaScript. Con CD-ROM

Ready Kevin. Vachier Paul. Marsot Benoit - Apogeo

ISBN: 88-7303-305-9
EAN: 9788873033059

 italian text   italian text

out of print - NOT orderable

Hypercard 2. Il grande manuale

Goodman Danny - Apogeo

ISBN: 88-7303-001-7
EAN: 9788873030010

 italian text   italian text

out of print - NOT orderable

Hypertalk 2 & Hypertext. Programmare le interfacce grafiche

Stanley Anthony E. - Apogeo

ISBN: 88-85146-23-6
EAN: 9788885146235

 italian text   italian text

out of print - NOT orderable

Corel Draw 4

Nemoy Sheldon. Aiken Joy - Apogeo

ISBN: 88-7303-067-X
EAN: 9788873030676

 italian text   italian text

out of print - NOT orderable

Microsoft Access per Windows. Grande guida

Risaroli Moreno - Apogeo

ISBN: 88-7303-046-7
EAN: 9788873030461

 italian text   italian text

out of print - NOT orderable

Photoshop 2. 5. Per Windows e Macintosh

Davis Jack - Dayton Linnea - Apogeo

ISBN: 88-7303-059-9
EAN: 9788873030591

 italian text   italian text

out of print - NOT orderable


design e realizzazione: Vincent Wolterbeek / analisi e programmazione: Rocco Barisci