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Giorgio De Chirico. Il volto della metafisica.

Genova, Palazzo Ducale, March 29 - July 7, 2019.
Edited by Noel-Johnson V.
Milano, 2019; bound, pp. 246, col. ill., cm 24x29.
(Arte Moderna. Cataloghi).

cover price: € 35.00

Giorgio De Chirico. Il volto della metafisica.

Total price: € 35.00 € 141.00 add to cart carrello

Books included in the offer:

Giorgio De Chirico. Il volto della metafisica.

Genova, Palazzo Ducale, March 29 - July 7, 2019.
Edited by Noel-Johnson V.
Milano, 2019; bound, pp. 246, col. ill., cm 24x29.
(Arte Moderna. Cataloghi).

FREE (cover price: € 35.00)

Giorgio De Chirico. Il volto della metafisica.

Giorgio de Chirico. Nulla Sine Tragoedia Gloria

Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi - Auditorium Dell'Iri, Roma, October 15 - October 16, 1999.
Edited by Claudio Crescentini and Crescentini C.
Co-Editore: Associazione Culturale Shakespeare and Company 2.
Montecatini Terme, 2002; paperback, pp. 504, 188 b/w ill., 21 col. plates, cm 21x30.
(Shakespeare and Company. 2).

FREE (cover price: € 75.00)

Giorgio de Chirico. Nulla Sine Tragoedia Gloria

Mutazioni. Segni e sogni del XX secolo. Da de Chirico a de Maria

Gavirate, Chiostro di Voltorre, February 23 - April 27, 2003.
Milano, 2003; paperback, pp. 108, ill., tavv., cm 16x22,5.
(Biblioteca d'Arte).

FREE (cover price: € 18.00)

Mutazioni. Segni e sogni del XX secolo. Da de Chirico a de Maria

Georges Rouault, Giorgio De Chirico

Mosummano Terme, Villa Renatico Martini, November 23, 2003 - February 15, 2004.
Lyon, La Spirale, October 4 - October 31, 2004.
Edited by Cassinelli P., Giori M. and Viggiano D.
Italian and French Text.
Ospedaletto, 2004; paperback, pp. 150, b/w ill., b/w plates, cm 17x24.

FREE (cover price: € 13.00)

Georges Rouault, Giorgio De Chirico



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RESULTS OF SEARCH "series: BL Collection"

Late Medieval Papal Legation. Between the Councils and the Reformation

Antonin Kalous - Libreria Editrice Viella, 2018

ISBN: 88-6728-942-X
EAN: 9788867289424

 italian text   italian text

€ 33.25
€ 35.00 -5.00%

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Spedizione gratuita in Italia

Sixtus IV and the Basso della Rovere d'Aragona Overdoor. Architecture and Sculpture in Renaissance Savona

Mauro Mussolin - Officina Libraria, 2020

ISBN: 88-3367-078-3
EAN: 9788833670782

 english text   english text

€ 17.10
€ 18.00 -5%

ships in 24h

Hellenistic and Roman Pontecagnano : The Danish Excavations in Proprietà Avallone 1986-1990

Centre Jean Berard, 2007

ISBN: 2-903189-91-9
EAN: 9782903189914

 italian text   italian text

€ 38.00
€ 40.00 -5%

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€ 48.00
€ 60.00 -20%

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€ 12.00
€ 15.00 -20%

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Pictures and drawings (illustrations)

Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1925

 english text   english text

€ 16.00
€ 20.00 -20%

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La Bonne Chanson. Romances sans paroles

Paul Verlaine - Librairie Alphonse Lemerre, 1930

 french text   french text

€ 20.00
€ 25.00 -20%

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Mégara Hyblaea 7. La ville classique, hellénistique et romaine

Nery Treziny - Ecole Française de Rome, 2018

ISBN: 2-7283-1282-6
EAN: 9782728312825

 french text   french text

€ 104.50
€ 110.00 -5%

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€ 55.10
€ 58.00 -5%

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L'esegesi in figura. Cicli dell'Antico Testamento nella pittura murale medievale (secoli IV-XIV)

Ecole Française de Rome, 2022

ISBN: 2-7283-1571-X
EAN: 9782728315710

 italian text   italian text

€ 55.10
€ 58.00 -5%

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Sidi Jdidi III. Des monnaies à l'archéologie

Michel Fixot - Aicha Ben Abed-Bekhader - Lucas Helfer-Lebert - Ecole Française de Rome, 2023

ISBN: 2-7283-1587-6
EAN: 9782728315871

 french text   french text

€ 45.60
€ 48.00 -5%

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€ 33.25
€ 35.00 -5%

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Autocéphalies. L'exercice de l'indépendance dans les églises slaves orientales (IXe-XXe siècle)

Ecole Française de Rome, 2021

ISBN: 2-7283-1453-5
EAN: 9782728314539

 french text   french text

€ 42.75
€ 45.00 -5%

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Les Saumons

Calderwood W. L. - Payot, 1939

 french text   french text

€ 36.00
€ 45.00 -20%

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Spaces for Friars and Nuns: Mendicant Choirs and Church Interiors in Medieval and Early Modern Europe

Haude Morvan - Ecole Française de Rome, 2022

ISBN: 2-7283-1533-7
EAN: 9782728315338

 english text   english text

€ 30.40
€ 32.00 -5%

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I registri della giustizia penale nell'Italia dei secoli XII-XV

Ecole Française de Rome, 2020

ISBN: 2-7283-1466-7
EAN: 9782728314669

 italian text   italian text

€ 46.55
€ 49.00 -5%

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Il Diritto alla Sepoltura nel Mediterraneo Antico

Ecole Française de Rome, 2021

ISBN: 2-7283-1441-1
EAN: 9782728314416

 italian text   italian text

€ 35.15
€ 37.00 -5%

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Reconsidering Roman power: Roman, Greek, Jewish and Christian perceptions and reactions

Ecole Française de Rome, 2020

ISBN: 2-7283-1408-X
EAN: 9782728314089

 english text   english text

€ 38.95
€ 41.00 -5%

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Les mobilités monastiques en Orient et en Occident de l'Antiquité Tardive au Moyen Âge, IVe-XVe siècle

Ecole Française de Rome, 2019

ISBN: 2-7283-1388-1
EAN: 9782728313884

 french text   french text

€ 46.55
€ 49.00 -5%

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I prefetti dell'annona da Augusto a Costantino

Maria Letizia Caldelli - Ecole Française de Rome, 2020

ISBN: 2-7283-1458-6
EAN: 9782728314584

 italian text   italian text

€ 23.75
€ 25.00 -5%

ships in 24h

La monarchie et la commune. Les relations entre Gênes et la France, 1396-1512

Fabien Lévy - Ecole Française de Rome, 2018

ISBN: 2-7283-1032-7
EAN: 9782728310326

 french text   french text

€ 39.90
€ 42.00 -5%

ships in 24h

Entrepots et trafics annonaires en Méditerranée. Antiquité-Temps Modernes.

Catherine Virlouvet - Brigitte Marin - Ecole Française de Rome, 2018

ISBN: 2-7283-1246-X
EAN: 9782728312467

 french text   french text

€ 28.50
€ 30.00 -5%

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Hétérodoxies croisées. Catholicismes pluriels entre France et Italie, XVIe-XVIIe siècles

Ecole Française de Rome, 2018

ISBN: 2-7283-1143-9
EAN: 9782728311439

 french text   french text

€ 25.65
€ 27.00 -5%

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Otomen. Vol. 16

Aya Kanno - Goen, 2020

ISBN: 88-6712-923-6
EAN: 9788867129232

 italian text   italian text

€ 5.22
€ 5.50 -5%

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Pandora in the crimson shell. Ghost urn. Vol. 2

Masamune Shirow - Goen, 2019

ISBN: 88-6712-825-6
EAN: 9788867128259

 italian text   italian text

€ 5.65
€ 5.95 -5%

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design e realizzazione: Vincent Wolterbeek / analisi e programmazione: Rocco Barisci